Brighten Your Smile Several Shades with Teeth Whitening


If you are seeking to experience a bright, beautiful smile, Dr. Jon Marc Van Slate offers professional teeth whitening options at his Houston, TX, practice to achieve your goals. We offer both in-office and take-home treatments from renowned brands such as Zoom!®, KöR®, and Philips NiteWhite. To schedule a whitening consultation with Dr. Van Slate, contact our practice today.


There are now many bleaching systems available to choose from. The biggest difference between most over the counter bleaching systems and professional dental systems is dentist offices are approved to use bleach (hydrogen peroxide or carbamate peroxide) with a higher percentage and strength. Therefore, professional systems can achieve better, more predictable results, that tend to be faster and last longer. We currently use the Zoom!, Nite White and KoR bleaching systems. We are consistently seeing a 6-8 shade difference in as little as one hour. The KoR system is used for deeper, darker stains, and may involve more than one visit, so it may cost slightly more.

The true trick to keeping your teeth at their brightest is to understand that you must continue to bleach at home periodically, about every 4-6 months. For this reason, we make custom bleaching trays for every patient that receives an in-office bleach from us. The fact is, tooth enamel is porous, and many of the foods and liquids that we consume will tend to discolor our teeth.

Zoom!® In-office Whitening

Zoom! is the number one patient requested whitening procedure in America. In a single one-hour session, we are often able to brighten your smile by 6-8 shades. Zoom! is an easy and simple way to lighten teeth. The Zoom! system uses an innovative light to quickly activate the bleaching agent to break up the stain causing molecules that are imbedded in the tooth enamel. Prior to Zoom! treatment, we also place a barrier gel on the gum tissue to assure maximum comfort with less sensitivity.

Female patient undergoing whitening with a special light

Combined Treatment with KöR®

We offer the KöR® whitening system for patients who want to combine in-office and take-home treatments. To begin, we will first create a set of custom whitening trays that will be specially designed to prevent gum irritation. Your practitioner will use the trays to perform an in-office whitening. After this procedure, you will return home with your custom trays and KöR® bleaching gel. Over the coming weeks and months, you can use the kit to perform touch-ups at home.

At-home Whitening with Philips NiteWhite

Rather than visiting our practice for a whitening treatment, some patients prefer the convenience of an at-home kit. If you choose Philips NiteWhite, we will provide a custom set of trays and a professional-strength whitening gel. You will simply line the inside of the trays with a small amount of the whitening solution and wear them while you sleep, stopping after a prescribed period of time. When compared to over-the-counter whitening gels or strips, the NiteWhite system can achieve more dramatic results during a much shorter time span.

Our whitening options are designed to help you achieve your goals and fit within your budget.


Smoking and regular consumption of red wine, black coffee, dark tea, dark fruit juices, soy sauce and tomato sauce, mustard, curry and dark fruits like blueberries, blackberries and beets will naturally darken our teeth. A good way to understand this is if something stains a white T-shirt, it will stain your teeth!


We have routinely been bleaching teeth in our office for over 25 years, and we have never seen a case that has caused permanent damage to the teeth. In general, if your teeth are overly sensitive to cold things, or if you have a lot of gum recession, you may experience more temporary sensitivity while bleaching. We use desensitizing gel to help control this during the bleaching procedures. After bleaching, some people may experience slightly more tooth sensitivity for a few weeks.

Maintaining Your White Smile

It is important to keep in mind that the results of professional teeth whitening are not permanent. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can follow to help maintain your newly brightened smile. Certain foods and drinks like coffee, berries, and soda can darken enamel over time, so you should do your best to avoid them. In addition, you should rinse your mouth after every meal and be sure to brush and floss regularly. Smoking can greatly compromise the appearance of teeth and lead to a range of oral health concerns, so we strongly recommend that patients quit.

Schedule a Whitening Consultation

A bright, sparkling smile can enhance your overall appearance and help to improve your self-confidence. Our whitening options are designed to help you achieve your goals and fit within your budget. To schedule an appointment, or learn more about teeth whitening, including costs, contact our friendly office staff today. 

Dr. Van Slate

Dr. Jon Marc Van Slate Augusta Drive Dental Care

Dr. Van Slate and his team are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in dental care. They are affiliated with several prestigious organizations:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • American Dental Association
  • American Academy of Implant Dentistry
  • IAPA-International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us today at (713) 783-1993.

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